On Thursday 25th February two VCE student musicians took part in the MSO Secondary Symphony held at Iwaki Auditorium in ABC Studios. Matthew Kaye (percussion) and Markus Ernst (violin) took part in 3 rehearsals with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and then were part of the final performance.
Both the students performed exceptionally well and played a pivotal role in the ensemble and even had some featured moments.
The concert was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Sheahan (Principal) , Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay (Deputy Principal), Mr. Andrew Bawden (Head of Secondary), Mr. Asher Johnson (Head of Performing Arts) and Mr. David George (Secondary Music Coordinator) as well as many family and friends. All staff thoroughly enjoyed the performance and were exceptionally proud of the students work ethic and abilities.
The students looked exceptionally presentable and rose to the occasion and calibre of such a performance.
I congratulate the students on their performance and all the best as they continue to grow in their performance skill and further oppertunities.
If there are any students currently in Year 9 to Year 11 who would like to take this opportunity in 2017, please speak to me throughout this year as applications close in late Term 3.
Mr. David George
Secondary Music Coordinator.